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As a full-service IT  company, we provide solutions that begin with the ability to remove your equipment from a “desktop or a dock” and provide on-site asset tracking and data security services to properly build a secure chain of custody of your sensitive equipment from your site to its final disposition at one of our processing centers.

A full-service team of trained and secure contractors who provide full-service, on-site deinstallation, Installation, Imaging services, windows 7 to windows 10, inventory tracking, electronic and physical media destruction, and packaging services throughout usa.....

Fast, convenient, secure and independently verified hard drive information destruction services. 

Our portable drive crushed punches 2 inch holes through the platters on your hard drives safely and quickly so you see these items destroyed right in front of your eyes.

Use our secure media bins to collect durable media (hard drives, CDs, thumb drives, data tapes) from throughout your building. We’ll swap them out and deliver them straight to our shredder for secure destruction.

We can help plan and support events to collect old computers from your employees – a great service to them, and a way to ensure any corporate data stored on their home PCs is destroyed properly.

We can disconnect and remove workstations from your network, so your IT staff can focus on installing and maintaining new systems.

We scan and record asset information and leave you with an electronic and paper report of what we collected.


We’re a young and talented group of entrepreneurs and engineers with a groundbreaking idea that we hope will contribute towards a better tomorrow. We provide smart solutions for companies of all sizes and pride ourselves on our unparalleled, dedicated service.


At deploy50, we believe in the correct understanding and technological edge, that can lead companies towards a successful future. We always seek valuable feedback from our clients in order to learn and evolve. Contact us today to set up a meeting with one of our sales representatives or request a demo.


Smart solutions are at the core of all that we do at deploy50.


Our main goal is finding smart ways of using technology that will help build a better tomorrow for everyone, everywhere.


Click below to learn more about the technology behind our IT Start-Up Company, or get in touch to set up a meeting with one of our representatives.

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